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作者:bg电子    日期:2024-12-02    阅读( )
本文摘要:Hundreds of millions of workers whose jobs are wiped out by automation between now and 2030 will still find gainful employment — but only if governments in the countries most affected embark on massive retraining and infrastructure spending.从现在起到2030年,数以亿计的工人将因自动化丧失工作岗位,他们仍将有机会寻找有报酬的工作,但前提是那些不受影响仅次于的国家的政府开始进行大规模再行培训和基建投资。

Hundreds of millions of workers whose jobs are wiped out by automation between now and 2030 will still find gainful employment — but only if governments in the countries most affected embark on massive retraining and infrastructure spending.从现在起到2030年,数以亿计的工人将因自动化丧失工作岗位,他们仍将有机会寻找有报酬的工作,但前提是那些不受影响仅次于的国家的政府开始进行大规模再行培训和基建投资。That is according to one of the most exhaustive studies yet of the likely effects of artificial intelligence and robotics. The report, from the McKinsey Global Institute, echoes a growing view among economists that the robot future is not entirely bleak for humans, though it may take efforts on a par with the post-second world war Marshall Plan and GI Bill to adapt.上述众说纷纭来自对人工智能和机器人有可能产生的影响展开的最详细研究之一。麦肯锡全球研究院(MGI)的这份报告交织了经济学界日益风行的一个观点,即未来的机器人时代人类并非仅有无期望,但要适应环境这个时代人类有可能必须采行如二战后“马歇尔计划”(Marshall Plan)和《退伍军人法》(GI Bill)那样的希望。

The research arm of McKinsey, the professional services firm, warned earlier this year that about half the tasks that workers perform could already be automated using today’s technology. Few jobs are likely to be handled entirely by machines, but that still pointed to widespread redundancy, if the remaining work is reorganised among fewer workers.专业服务公司麦肯锡(McKinsey)旗下的这家研究机构今年早些时候曾警告称之为,工人们专门从事的大约一半的工作早已可以利用今天的技术构建自动化了。有可能几乎交由机器处置的工作不多,但如果只剩的工作任务在较少的工人中重新分配的话,仍不会产生广泛的失业。But in a new study issued yesterday outlining the likely real-world impact, MGI suggested that economic growth, the staggered rate of tech adoption and new types of work could more than make up the slack.但在昨日公布的阐释自动化有可能对现实世界导致的影响的新研究报告中,MGI认为,经济快速增长、新技术较慢投放应用于以及新型工作,有可能会产生更大的正面影响。“There’s a line of thought out there that all the jobs will gone and maybe in the next two decades,” said Michael Chui, a partner at MGI. Those predictions looked too pessimistic, he added, though “the scale of the challenge is really significant”.MGI合伙人Michael Chui称之为:“有一种思路指出,所有工作岗位都将消失,也许就在未来20年。

”他回应,这些预测过分乐观,尽管“挑战的确极大”。The upheaval in the workforce will be comparable to the industrial revolution, when agricultural workers flooded to cities, the report predicts, though retraining hundreds of millions of workers in the middle of their careers represents an even bigger challenge. Also, countries most affected, including the US and Japan, will need to pump money into infrastructure and construction to take up the slack.该报告预测,劳动力领域的剧变,将堪比工业革命时期,当时大量农业人口涌进城市,不过,在数以亿计的工人的职业生涯中期对他们展开再行培训将是一项更大的挑战。此外,还包括美国和日本在内的不受影响仅次于的国家,将必须向基础设施和建筑领域流经大量资金,以应付冲击。

The consultants estimate that 15 per cent of hours worked today will have been automated by 2030, wiping out 400m jobs. The pace of job-destruction could be double that if companies put artificial intelligence and robotics to use more quickly than expected, with developed countries — where workers earn the most and tech adoption is fastest — seeing a third or more of jobs going.那些咨询顾问们估算,如今的15%的工作时间到2030年将构建自动化,从而出局4亿个工作岗位。如果企业应用人工智能和机器人的速度比预期更加慢,工作岗位被出局的速度或将缩减到。在工人薪酬最低、技术应用于最慢的发达国家,将有三分之一或更加多的低收入岗位消失。



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