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【bg电子】三星推出新智能冰箱 都能和你聊天了!
作者:bg电子    日期:2024-11-24    阅读( )
本文摘要:For everyone who stands staring blankly at the contents of their fridge, help is finally at hand.对车站在冰箱前总是两眼平羚羊里面东西的人来说,救星来了!Samsung has invented a fridge you can talk to. The South Korean tech giant has fitted its voice control software Bixby to a Family Hub 3.0 refrigerator.三星公司发明者了一款可以聊天的冰箱。

For everyone who stands staring blankly at the contents of their fridge, help is finally at hand.对车站在冰箱前总是两眼平羚羊里面东西的人来说,救星来了!Samsung has invented a fridge you can talk to. The South Korean tech giant has fitted its voice control software Bixby to a Family Hub 3.0 refrigerator.三星公司发明者了一款可以聊天的冰箱。这家韩国的科技巨头早已将智能语音控制软件Bixby植入到了其产品Family Hub 3.0冰箱当中。

Samsungs website boasts: A refrigerator with a Wi-Fi enabled touchscreen that lets you manage your groceries, connect with your family and entertain like never before.三星官网上真是道:“装有无线网的冰箱使触摸屏沦为有可能,可以让你管理你的果蔬,和家人对话,娱乐一下,这是前所未有的。”The fridge will also have some serious sounds, with AKG speakers and it will integrate into Samsungs SmartThings ecosystem, so owners can control the lights, change temperature or even monitor a security camera from the fridge.这款冰箱也不会有一些坦率的声音,备有AKG话筒,并且与三星的智能家居生态系统融合,因此用户不但能掌控光线、温度,甚至能为冰箱打开监控器。

The fridge will also include a meal planner which personalises recipes, allergies and will even tell you when food is expiring. And you can tell the fridge to compile a shopping list which even takes into account your superstore loyalty card points.这款冰箱还能设计个人化食谱、记录过敏情况甚至告诉他你什么时候食物不会过期。你也可以让冰箱统合购物表格,偷偷地把餐馆积分卡的分数也算进去。Samsung is also promising more content after forging partnerships with the likes of HomeAdvisor, Pinterest, Tasty and The Weather Company.此外,在与HomeAdvisor、Pinterest、Tasty和The Weather Company等创建合作伙伴关系后,三星还允诺了更加多功能。

There is no details on the price yet, but the new fridge should be available this spring.价格方面仍未有具体信息,但是这款新型冰箱今年春天就将上市。



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